

Mesotherapy is a technique that has been used for over 35 years in France and consists of shallow (4-6 mm) injection of medications into tissue of the neck or back to block pain. Today, it is commonly practiced in France, where more than 15,000 practitioners utilize mesotherapy for the care of their human patients. Mesotherapy is also practiced in many other countries around the world, including: Belgium, Columbia, Argentina, and throughout Europe. This technique was introduced into the United States by a French veterinarian, Dr. Jean Marie Denoix.

Mesotherapy is a treatment that stimulates the mesoderm, the middle layer of the skin, which will, in turn relieve a wide variety of symptoms and ailments. The treatment is used to stimulate the Giant Fibers. The mesotherapy injections involve extremely small needles that penetrate the skin only to a shallow depth. The number of treatments needed depends on many variables including the condition, the abnormal physiology, cause of the condition, as well as the chronicity of the problem. Typically one session of mesotherapy is performed and based on that can generally assess the horse‘s response. For horses with more chronic soreness such as being “cold backed” this may be done 2-3 times per year. Mesotherapy is effective for a multitude of conditions because it helps reverse the physiology of that condition, and stop the pain spasm cycle.

Since much of our focus with lameness conditions involves the back, this may allow another method to help alleviate back pain in addition to chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, shockwave therapy, laser treatments, FES and deeper anti-inflammatory injections. In addition for horses with limited neck flexibility, we expect it to have a role in these conditions.


As seen in the above picture there are small skin bumps that appear as the medication is deposited just below the skin surface. Theses swellings will quickly dissipate and the benefits should be realized in 3-7 days. Patients will be out of work for the first few days, then depending on the condition they can begin ground work or light work under saddle.

Dr. Frantz has been using this treatment for ta number of years and has had success in cases where there has been a one-sided neck stiffness, generalized back discomfort, including case with "kissing spine syndrome" and with sacro-iliac pain. Frequently these treatments may also be combined with chiropractic adjustments, shockwave and/or para-spinal injections.